2025 9th International Conference on Communication and Network Technology

Plenary Speaker

Professor Mahmoud Shafik
Principal Investigator
University of Derby, UK
Biography: Professor Mahmoud Shafik is an international scholar and expert who has made a personal distinction and international leadership recognition, in the field of Intelligent Mechatronics Systems and Digital Technology, with more than 20-years industrial applied research experience in Intelligent Systems, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE), Fly, Drive and Steer-by-wire, 3D Smart Sensors and Actuators for Autonomous Vehicle, Robotic Systems and Industrial Automation, Machine Vision, Innovation for Sustainable Engineering, Cancer Treatment using CVD Diamond Radio Therapy Technology, Information Technology for Blind and Visually Impaired people, Chronic Diseases ICT Technological Solutions, Assisted Living Technology, AD-HOC Wireless Technology, Telehealth, Telecare, Climate Change, Electro-Rheological Fluid Micro Actuators Technology and Software Tools. Shafik has also a number of patents in these areas of industrial applied research and sustainable technology.
Shafik has been chairing and leading several industrial applied research projects from European Commission, and UK Research Councils, of a budget of several millions of euros and have made a great economic and social impact in his area of expertise across the world. His research work has brought many innovative outcomes that have been commercially explored by several Small to Medium (SME’s) and large enterprise (LE’s) organisations. This includes and not limited to: Intersurgical Ltd – UK, Veslatec Oy – Finland, Semelab plc. – UK, PTW Freiburg – Germany, Neotek – France, Kirchmayer Handel & Consulting GmbH – Austria, Spectrum Telecom Installations Ltd – Ireland, Diamond Materials GmbH – Germany, Fireworks International Ltd – UK, Pirotecnia Oscense SA – Spain, Total Motion Systems Ltd –UK, Micromech Limited – UK, Smart Technology Ltd – UK, Audi -Germany, Ford – UK, Schlumberger – France, Nissan – Japan and Rolls Royce - UK.
Shafik is the founder of International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics-url: http://ojs.unsysdigital.com/index.php/ijrm, Editor-In-Chief of both Journal of Traffic and Logistics url: http://www.jtle.net/ and International Journal of Mechatronics Engineering - https://www.svedbergopen.com/journals/ijme/about-the-journal/. He chaired the 2022 and 2021 International Conference on Manufacturing Research: http://www.icmr.org.uk/). He is serving as a chairman and plenary speaker of International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation (ICITT), http://www.icitt.org/, International Conference in Communication and Network Technology - http://www.iccnt.org/index.html, and Co-general Chair of International Conference Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research - http://www.icmerr.com/index.html.
Shafik is the Senior lead academic of College of Science and Engineering - University of Derby and international collaboration programs - http://www.derby.ac.uk/. He has been supervising and external examiners for several PhD, and MSc research programmes across worldwide. He is a visiting professor and curriculum consultant for a few universities in EU, Japan, China, and Middle East. He is also a committee member of The Consortium of UK University Manufacturing and Engineering (COMEH) for the Engineering Professors’ Council and is serving as an Assessor and Knowledge Transfer Expert for the UK Knowledge Transfer Network, EPSRC, Innovate-UK and EC Research Programmes.
For more information of Professor Shafik profile, career, achievements and selected publications please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mahmoud-shafik-ph-d/7/237/60 & https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahmoud_Shafik.


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Stephen R Pearson
The Sm@rt Group

Biography: Dr Stephen R Pearson is the CEO of The Sm@rt Group and a former Sandhurst Army Officer in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He is a multi-award winning entrepreneur, with many National awards to his name. He is a prolific inventor/innovator with Intellectual Property registered for over 200 products/systems/designs. Specialising in the development of systems for Highways, Rail and Assistive Technology for people with disabilities, his systems can be found all over the UK, where his vision of creating Smart towns and cities, able to enhance the lives of people with disabilities is becoming a reality. An expert in pan-disability product development, he is regularly called upon by Local Authorities, Rail Operators, Utility Companies and Disability Organisations to advise and develop solutions that can solve accessibility issues for people with disabilities. He is involved with several All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPG’s) covering disabilities in transport and the workplace, held at Westminster, London. As the recipient of Lancashire’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2014, Steve has a passion for entrepreneurship and has established himself as an expert in Youth Entrepreneurship, and in particular the use of AI to enable the positive identification of young people with the potential to become successful entrepreneurs. He has written several papers on the subject and attended several International Conferences as a speaker on Youth Entrepreneurship. His work has seen him invited to be a member of NewLabs in Detroit, Michigan, USA, as well as Brooklyn, New York, USA, collaborating in robotic solutions for street crossings to assist children and senior citizens crossing busy interstates. Some of his more recent work involves the use of AI to detect emergency vehicles approaching traffic lights and change the lights in favour of the emergency vehicle to speed up the response time to emergencies. With many other emerging technologies and innovations currently being developed, Steve is undoubtedly one of the key innovators in the UK.





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